
A Great Tyler Rose Swimwear Idea

This weekend, the Ladies of Tyler Rose Swimwear will be hosting a bridal shower for Designer/Owner Nichole's neighbor, which got me thinking... what a great idea!

We will be having champagne and parfait's with the beautiful bride and her girlfriends while Nichole personally fits them, can it get any more perfect? I think not.
But why stop at bridal showers? Everyone loves a bikini! I think I just may throw my next birthday, holiday party, graduation party, girls night out, etc., etc., at the Tyler Rose camp!

Be sure to CONTACT Tyler Rose Swimwear for your next get together!
XOXO, The Ladies of TRS


P.O.M. said...

Thanks! It was such a blast.

P.O.M. said...

PS: And I LOVE LOVE LOVE my suits.