
A Poem By Our Favorite at Tyler Rose, Uncle Pete, PDiddy, aka Coach Carroll

You don't get to be as successful on and off the field as Pete Carroll by luck. Coach Carroll, a believer of hard work and believing in yourself, is an inspiration to us all here at Tyler Rose Swimwear.  Here is a poem written by Coach Carroll that can be applied to any aspect of life.

Always Compete...
As you progress through your sporting life... 
Always Compete.
If you want to go for it,
Always Compete.
You're gonna have to make Choices in Life and those choices need to be Conscious Decisions.
There's only one person in Control here and that one person is You...
You hold all the cards. You are the Master of You. It's time to admit it...
You have always known this. So if you're ready, act on it...
Always Compete.
Don't you dare try to be too cool, don't you dare be afraid of Life,
just "Dare to be Great," and Let it Rip.
Always be Humble, Always be Kind, Always be Respectful...
Always Compete!
Everything You Do counts and screams who You are... there is no hiding from You.
Act as if the Whole World will know who you are...
Always Compete.
Be True to Yourself and Let Nothing hold You back
Compete to be the Greatest You and that will Always be enough and that will be a Lifetime!
Always Compete.

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